Michigan Loonwatch Operates Under the Direction of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources & Environment, Following the Guidelines of the Michigan Loon Recovery Plan

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Preparing for Spring

"Loons Swimming in a Circle" by Shelley Martinez, Loon Ranger

Loon Ranger Spring Packets
: Mid-to-Late winter is the time that we begin to prepare for Spring and the long-awaited arrival of the loons. Right now, the Loon Ranger Spring Packets are being prepared and will be sent out beginning in late April. These will contain the yearly updated pages for the Loon Ranger Manual, the maps and Lake Report Form to record the information gathered throughout the season. These reports, returned to us in the Fall, help us to know how better to protect and help our loons. So please remember to return your reports, even if no loons were seen on your lake, and/or if no nesting took place or chicks were seen. Thank you, Loon Rangers!
Would You Like to become a Loon Ranger or Area Coordinator? Michigan Loonwatch would welcome your participation! Please contact Joanne Williams, State Coordinator at michiganloons@yahoo.com